Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group Meeting #2

At the beginning of class we started of talking about what the class viewed over the weekend. A lot of fellow classmates recommended some films they saw over the weekend. I also got some recommendations that I will be watching since I will be on a plane for many hours. After this discussion ended the teacher assigned us groups for our second group meeting for the purpose of every classmate helping each other out.

I was assigned with 3 other group members. We first were instructed to look at our teachers main page to see if our blog URL was functioning. This was of upmost importance since this is were Cambridge would be viewing our final submissions for the project. After this was taken care of we were free to talk and I immediately started of our conversation asking for Assistance for the CCR. Since I was not there I wanted to see what other additional steps I was missing. After learning from the group the questions that would have to be answered have to be a bit lengthy since we need to have a max of around 11 minutes of recording.

After brainstorming ideas my group suggested an idea that I found very interesting. They mentioned a idea of having someone else film me while Sergio or Ryan in the film opening is filming some shots in the background for the project. After they gave me this idea I gave it some thought and I believe that I do not need too have Sergio but a background closely resembling a similar scenery to make it look like the director was being interviewed on his set. Everyone was also thinking of doing a presentation which seemed to be the best route overall. The only issue is that it was not really creative so it was more of a backup plan.

The last idea that was mentioned was a bit funny but I think I can modify it to my liking. They were suggesting a baking show which is I found interesting. I think I can do more of a cooking show since I know how to cook. I am not against this idea and might think if this could actually work

Group photo :)

Friday, March 7, 2025

CCR Research

 After doing some research I found some examples I will take some information from. I was not present the day the teacher was giving the information on the CCR due to some real life problems that happened. The link to the power point was still in our page so I was able to view some examples but it would have been way more beneficial being in class. I additionally also got some notes from a classmate to get a better understanding and that also helped me. I found an example online from another AS student and I like the approach this person took. It showed her thinking process and the transcript she had. 

Now to format the question I was still unsure on how to do this so this will be my question for now. I will ask my fellow classmates for more information regarding how I should format these questions and make the changes accordingly. "What are the central themes explored in the film?"

This is another example I found which I found to be resourceful to me.


“Creative Critical Reflection.” Aya´s Blog, 6 June 2020,

“AICE Media Studies Creative Critical Reflection.” Prezi.Com, Accessed 9 Mar. 2025.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Post Production Editing #2

 After a slight heart attack I figured out the issue. The answer was right in front of me and did not bother to give our module page a quick look. I now have full access and started on tackling the editing to our film. 

 I want to focus this post more on the audio and sounds of our film opening. Since many of the shots were filmed in a public commercial gym we have a lot of background music which we can get copyrighted for. So we took the opportunity to layer some Foley sounds. I noticed some of our shots had this weird audio to it so I searched up some tutorials on how I could alter the sounds of the clips without adding into it. 

I came across the equalizer settings and after messing around with it I found what I believe sounded best. I am working in adding in some non copyrighted music into our film as well since it can help elevate the additional dialogue that will be present. The dialogue and music has not been added yet since I want to make sure all the audio of the real clips are in the correct order, film any other Foley sounds we may need just incase, etc.


“How to Remove Echo in Premiere Pro.” Music Radio Creative, 9 Aug. 2023,

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Post Production #1 Editing

 Well for the next two post production editing posts I will be talking and showing more of what I want to do because I have some very unfortunate news that I have not yet resolved. After filming some additional shots we wanted I decided to open Premiere Pro the following day and it says that the my pro license has expired. I will discuss in class with my teacher to get this resolved as quick as possible and continue with the editing.

Some of the shots we filmed are were filmed for the sole purpose of editing. We wanted to include some unique transitions in our opening and I really like the transition I have prepared to this. With just this clip we can branch to other clips.

When Ryan starts going to the gym we are editing some shots of 4 different scenes in one shot I don't really know how to explain it so I will show an example of what I am talking about.

I could not really find a photo that would properly show what I'm going for so I used Paint. My artistic skills do need some work but this is what I'm trying to go for essentially.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Production Post

 This post will talk about the production process of our film. First thing to be stated is that we got approval from the gym to film the shots. There will be a photo of the club manager information incase we needed additional information that our teacher would request. With this being said the filming went pretty smooth. The only problem we faced was when filming certain shots we had to make sure to not capture a lot of people because we would have to ask them for approval as well. Thankfully we went at an earlier time so there was not a lot of people in the gym at the time of filming. We had one of my friends help us film our shots, he is also in media studies, and gave us some pointers on what angles we should film from.
My nails might not look the best because the day prior I was changing brake pads on my car lol

Every individual that was seen in frame of any of our shots were notified and were fine with being part of the project

Here is a picture of us talking to the manager. My friend took a photo of both me and Sergio.

We wanted to take advantage of the staircase in this gym because it allowed us to film some pretty unique shots. I want to focus more on this part of our film opening since it was more complex and harder to film. Obviously over shooting we really wanted to do so when it comes time to editing it would be way easier to pick out which clips we like better from the other. Shot variety was also incorporated to have that extra option. Thanks to this when it does come time to do all the editing it wont be as challenging and can hopefully get past it pretty quickly.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Production post #3


This is another post where I will be talking about our filming. We kept on shifting the focus on filming in the commercial gym since we want to take care of the hard shots first. With all these hard shots being filmed, we wanted to do something unique. We decided to take the time and think about some unique transitions we can try to incorporate to make this film opening smoother.

The photo above shows an example of the transition that we tried to go for. As one can see, this first take, which is seen in the photo below, the camera was actually set a bit too far back, not allowing the screen to come to complete darkness. Having this transition available can let us shift the focus from the gym to another exercise, his desk, etc. This allows us to mess around and have more fun while trying to produce an enjoyable film opening.

Group Meeting #2

At the beginning of class we started of talking about what the class viewed over the weekend. A lot of fellow classmates recommended some fi...