Sound Project
Hi! This is my reflection on the sound project that took place in my social media studies class. The directions for this assignment were pretty similar to our One Word Film project that took place a few weeks prior, the only major difference for this project was that it consisted of just an audio clip called a soundscape and a video called a Foley stage of me and my partner making sounds for the main Soundscape video. Additionally, instead of a storyboard that was visually drawn we had to brainstorm our ideas in a Word document. Thankfully, there was an amazing example that was provided so that there would be little or no issue regarding how to brainstorm. This time the groups were chosen at random by our teacher. I was assigned to someone I had yet to learn before this assignment. This project consisted of an audio clip that was from 1 minute to 2 minutes long. I unfortunately was not in class for the first day of the assignment, but I was aware of what was to come thanks to the syllabus provided for the class.
The approach that me and my partner Benjamin took was pretty straightforward. We had a pretty straightforward idea. Benjamin plays football for the school and I proposed the idea of doing a football game. The idea was pretty straightforward, but it was now time to put it onto paper. Our first scene was pretty easy to determine, we agreed on using the most common noises that are heard whenever someone attends a football game such as crowds, bands, grunts, etc. Our second scene consisted of some of the same sounds but our foley audios came into play, showcasing the hitting of pads on players and different grunts to make the audio clip that we were making more appealing to the viewer. The third and fourth scenes focus more on when the player on the field makes a touchdown and the celebration that comes after that. This was supposed to enable the viewer to understand that the touchdown that was made in this video was a very important one. The brainstorming was well put together and the way we were gonna approach this project seemed to be pretty well.
When it came time to get the audios for our main Soundscape and Foley stage audios, there was a small lack of support from my teammate. It was becoming really hard to find the proper audio clips for the Soundscape video and my partner was not able to as well. The assignment started to become way more of a challenge figuring out how to tackle the project correctly. I was eventually able to find most of the clips I was looking for, now what was needed was the Foley stage audios. I had asked my partner to make some specific Foley audios to use for the project and was glad to see that I had gotten some help. I had made my own prior just in case of an emergency and was already in the main Soundscape project. It was now time for editing, I had to edit the soundscape video. Once I uploaded everything from my computer onto Adobe Premier it came time to edit the audios with the features that were provided on the app. I learned a lot in fine-tuning the decibels and changing the way audio sounds to make them fit the idea we were focusing on. This was successfully accomplished but I had a major issue because when I wanted to edit the audio clips again my progress was lost and had to restart.
Many things could have been improved with this project. The one day that was missed in class was very crucial in understanding the task. Some questions could have been asked earlier to avoid some easy time costly mistakes. The editing went pretty smoothly but overall I would like to say I could improve a lot in trying to compose all the audio clips together so it sounds more like a natural project. This was a problem I was facing during the editing part of the project and I just wasn't so sure about how it sounded. I believe some practice can help me achieve this concern. I understood the assignment completely and tried best to my abilities to complete all of it, I learned so many new things in such a short amount of time, and I will say I am a big fan of editing and enjoy it.
This is the link to the project:
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