Friday, February 7, 2025

Color Schemes

 What is the purpose of a color scheme?

    The purpose of a color scheme is a specific combination of colors that is chosen to convey a certain mood, or atmosphere, or theme. With this being said the way I incorporate specific colors in my film opening can make or break my film. 

    After discussing with the teacher the ways the colors would be shown are of the at most importance. She suggested to show the shots of the gym with very bright colors, which at the time was a massive curveball for me. After thinking about it more, it does make more sense for the shot I am trying to go for. I do feel as if the best time to film these the shots with most movement is when the character is in the commercial gym this is because he would already be in the final stages of his journey. This would also be when he sees the chance to join a famous competition that would eventually bring prosperity to his family.

Raging Bull (1980)

I bring up Raging Bull again because this is the type of color scheme we are trying to go for. To further elaborate I believe the shots where he is at his home gym should portray more of these deeper shade colors, this is because it would show mood I am trying to go for. The reason why this character is working so hard is for the disease he is trying to overcome. It would show him very dedicated to what he is doing and can show the character in a better way, at least that’s what my mind is telling me right now, I plan on getting more clarity with my teacher and my partner so we can both tackle this the best way possible.

Coach Carter (2005)

    Coach carter is another film closely related to my intended genre. This film has showed me some great examples of what we can do as a group to incorporate the shots the teacher was thinking. The warm goldish color that can be seen is a color I am trying to go for when shooting in the commercial gym, this is because the characters mood would not be as serious but more joyful hopefully allowing the viewer to comprehend the atmosphere and mood of the scene. There are still questions I would love to ask the teacher to have her opinions and will do next class!

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