Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Credit sequences



As discussed on the previous post the credit sequence is an important part that we have to incorporate into our project. On this day I was able to meet with my teacher to ask her some further questions about my idea for the project. I had some doubts about certain ideas and missing parts of my story. After some discussion with the teacher I further realized I have to shift my focus towards the main character and give information that closely relates to the purpose of the film. 

    Additionally, I also made the decision to work with one of my fellow classmates. I felt the addition of this classmate would give me some crucial insights on some of my ideas and he has done just that. After the discussion ended with the teacher there were a lot of questions that were not clear. The story to this point is not complete and there is still missing pieces to this puzzle. After hearing some recommendations from the teacher I wanted to give them a look since she said that we can find some inspiration to further answer some questions we might have.

The wrestler (2008)

    The credit sequence in this film is gave me and my partner some inspiration of what our credit sequence may look like. The way the production credits are showed is very similar on how I want to tackle this. The fading in and fading out will help give smooth transitions to each name. The major difference this credit scene will have from what my group is thinking is it will not be showing any accomplishments but struggles the character has to overcome.

Raging Bull (1980)

    One of my personal favorite credit sequences is Raging Bull. The credit sequence has grabbed many of peoples attention such as myself and attracts a viewer to want to know more. The mise-en-scene in this film opening is kind of similar to what we want to do. The grayish / blackish colors help show the purpose of the film and helped give us inspiration to incorporate shots that have similar lighting. Since we have access to a garage controlling the lighting we can make a shot that definitely has a similar lighting effect. The production credits itself is not the style I am looking for but does get the point across.

The fighter ( 2010)

    The fighter is another movie I would like to talk about regarding their credit sequence. The style they used for this sequence is one that I personally enjoy. This style of credits is what I am aiming to show in my project just cause it fits naturally with the opening scene. The way the names are displayed are different from other examples shown, as a viewer I feel like this is better than other credit scenes such as the wrestler, this is because in the wrestler one only sees the credits in the middle which in my opinion is pretty boring. After viewing some examples I know have a better understanding and some inspiration on how I am going to tackle this opening scene.

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