Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Film Openings

 Film openings

    After a few days of thinking how I can incorporate meaningful shots I believe the best option was to film in a at home garage. This idea helps illustrate the immense training the character has had to do while giving me the ability to shoot from all angles and change the lighting to my desire. The teacher also gave us this tip and I feel would be the best plan of action, now regarding the opening credit scene I want to shift my focus to one of the examples I briefly mentioned on my genre choice post. 

What are credit scenes?
    As explained in class the importance of film openings is the production credits. Most credit scene sequences combine both the production credits and illustrate the genre the film will be based around. After doing further research on what may be seen in a sports drama credit scene many of these films tend to go for minimal text on a black screen. As instructed by our professor this would not be acceptable as part of the project. 

Creed 2 
    This movie opening scene shows the simplistic text as stated before. The scenes that come after it focus on the movie. The first clip with the mini figure of a man boxing helps illustrate the purpose of the movie. This is a technique I would personally want to incorporate on my film to easily show its purpose. As an example I would use a notebook that the main character has written on, the information in this journal would be of the routine he has taken and more of a tool he uses to log workouts, and other important information that happened throughout the day. As not previously stated I would incorporate the simplistic text into the scenes so it follows the guidelines of the project!

Ford v Ferrari
    One of my personal favorites, this movie has a unique opening scene where the main cast members are mentioned that being Christian Bale and Matt Damon. Although main production credits where not listed in the opening credit scene, I believe the way the production artists decided to portray the opening scenes help truly depict what the movie is about. Obviously I do not have access to such tools to make a production like this but I saw some interesting use of close up shots which are not really seen in other opening scenes. The use of this shot is useful to show stress and anxiousness which helps show the main objective of the movie which is to win the 24 hours of LeMans.

Other films:

Rocky (1976)

Raging Bull (1980)

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