Friday, February 14, 2025



Our Project Idea

As stated in previous blog posts this project focuses on the idea of a character battling a disease called distal muscular Dystrophy. This will not be said or shown during the time of filming but we will have scenes that will show Ryan our character working out to combat this disease. There are still some tweaks we have to make to our script since me and Sergio do not know exactly we might do on our second scene, you may see our script in a later blog post. 

We are trying to take all the pointers our teacher gave us into consideration and the lighting for this project is of most importance. Since our first ideas were not really clear we thought our approach was better ,but after giving it more thought I realized how much our teacher was right. We plan on filming at a home gym and commercial gym to also highlight his journey. There will be props that will show the meaning and purpose of this film and give a reason for viewers to be engaged, since this will be a individual who dealing with a incredibly hard disease. 

The name of this film opening will be titled Defiance. We both believe this title is suitable for the intended message we are trying to portray to our audience. Props are very important and play a key role to help the viewer realize why this character is doing what he is doing, and thanks to the help of his friend he is open to a new path that will be shown throughout the actual movie not film opening.

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