Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Media Theory

 Active Audience Theory 

I believe this media theory fits the film opening I am doing. As the director of this film opening (sounds professional lol) I wanted to make a film opening that other people can relate to and this what this media theory focuses on.

First off, knowing the definition of Active Audience theory is important. Active Audience Theory - Stuart Hall - says audiences are active consumers that interpret media through the lens of their own experiences and social contexts. This definition comes from a paper our teacher gave us in class listing all the media theory, this falls under the category of media contexts. 

To give an example of how this may be incorporated can be seen with a movie called Creed 2

Creed 2 (2018)

This film can show a great example of active audience theory since this movie can relate to many people. What I mean by that is that many people can interpret the purpose of the movie which is a legacy. Many people who have viewed this film have knowledge from other films in the past such as rocky, this is where the active audience theory plays its part, many people who remember the films like rocky can interpret this movie through personal experiences they might have remembered from that film. The way a consumer interprets can be different due to many factors such as family, friends, careers, etc. 

Now you may ask how this may relate to my film opening, well the way the creed film is expressed in this blog does is not the intended way I want the consumers of my film to think of entirely. The way they think about their personal experiences is where I want my main focus to be. I want people to get the message that they can do anything if they put their mind to it, this applied for any situation no matter what one individual may be experiencing. This message may not be easily understood by just simply watching, but if one truly interprets this media in this way they can understand the complex message behind it. 

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